- Math reasoning with metacognitive capabilities of LLMs (keynote) - International Artificial Intelligence Summer School, September 21–25, 2025, Castiglione della Pescaia, Tuscany (IAISS 2025)
- AI Innovations - SlovakiaTech, September 17–18, 2025, Kosice, Slovakia (SlovakiaTech 2025)
- Powerful LLM alignment - International #DataFestival in Yerevan, September 12-13, 2025, Yerevan, Armenia (DataFest 2025)
- Maths of LLMs (mini-course) - Summer School on Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning, June 29 – July 6, 2025, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia (MSS 2025)
- World AI Conference Day, June, 2025, Shanghai, China (WAIC 2025)
firstminute capital Summit , June 9th, 2025, London, UK (firstminute 2025) -
Orange Tech Conference , June 5th, 2025, Europe (Orange 2025) -
Reflect Festival - The Doers! , May 15-16th, 2025, Limasol, Cyprus (Reflect 2025) - Ghost Day, May 9-10, 2025, Poznań, Poland (GHOST 2025)
- AI strategy and investment insights - SEB Group, April 2025, Stockholm, Sweden (SEB 2025)
- Uncertainty in LLMs - Advancing Trustworthy ML for Frontier Models, April 5-6 2025, Abu Dhabi, UAE (ATML 2025)
- ESET World, March 26, 2025, Las Vegas, USA (ESET 2025)
- Foundation Models in Science - Berlin ELLIS workshop, March 18, 2025, Berlin, Germany (ELLIS 2025)
- Enterprise AI Summit Europe, March 9-11, 2025, Munich, Germany (EAI 2025)
- DeepMind & Beyond: Czech and Slovak Scientists at the AI Frontier, February 26, 2025, Prague, Czech Republic (Kaya 2025)
- Microsoft AI Tour, February 20, 2025, Lisbon, Portugal (MSR 2025)
- LLM and deep RL masterclasses, February 17-22, 2025, Bratislava, Slovakia (FEI 2025)
- Intricacies of game-theoretical LLM alignment, Fondation François Sommer, February 12-13, 2025, Paris, France (MBZUAI Paris 2025)
- Thinking about thinking in LLMs - Artificial Intelligence Action Summit, February 6-7, 2025, Paris, France (AI Action Summit 2025)
- Thinking about thinking (keynote) - XYZ Paris, February 13–14, 2025, Paris, France (XYZ 2025)
- Metacognitive Capabilities of LLMs - xTelliGent One: AI in GxP 2025 Summit, Jan 29–30, 2025, Jacksonville, Florida, USA (xTelliGent 2025)
- Metacognition for the new generation of models - GenerationAI, Dec 3rd, 2024, Paris, France (APIdays 2024),
- Deep reinforcement learning masterclass - IASD ENS PSL M2, Dec 3rd, 2024, Paris, France (IASD 2024),
- Gamification of Large Language Models - Open Source AI Summit, November 26-27th, 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (OS AI 2024), teaser
- Llama 4 training - TEDx Humenné, November 15th, 2024, Humenné, Slovakia (TEDx 2024), video teaser, video summary
- Mathematics of Large Language Models - Matfyz Connections , November 13th, 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia (Connections 2024), video
- Alligning LLMs with human preferences - Sword AI Summit , November 9th, 2024, Porto, Portugal (Sword 2024), video
- Graphs in ML minicourse - Graph Laplacians workshop, November 4-8th, 2024, Eindhoven, Netherlands (EURANDOM 2024)
- Llama 3 and its alignment - Nordic Data Science & ML Summit, October 23-24 2024, Stockholm, Sweden (NDSML 2024)
- New era of open-source AI - Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, CZU, September 30th, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic (CZU 2024) teaser feeding
- Algorithmic LLM alignment (keynote) - International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, September 22 – 25, 2024, Castiglione della Pescaia, Tuscany (LOD 2024)
- Uncertainty in LLM alignment - Generative models and uncertainty quantification, September 18-19, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark (GenU 2024)
- Gamification of Large Language Models (keynote) - Conference on Learning Theory, June 30–July 3, 2024, Edmonton, Canada (COLT 2024)
- Nash learning from human feedback - Ghost Day, April 04-06, 2024, Poznań, Poland (GHOST 2024)
- Algorithmic LLM alignment - Princeton Language + Intelligence, February 1st, 2024, Princeton, USA (Princeton 2024)
- Curious world models - European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning, September 14-16, 2023, Brussels, Belgium (EWRL 2023)
- Learning by bootstrapping: Reinforcement Learning - International #DataFestival in Yerevan, September 2-3, 2023, Yerevan, Armenia (DataFest 2023)
- Deep reinforcement learning - Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning, June 10-14, 2023, Tuscany, Italy (ACDL 2023)
- World Models: Curiosity driven exploration (two master classes) - AI in Africa, January 26-27, 2023, Marrakesh, Morocco (Tech'Innov 2023)
Learning by bootstrapping -
Vedatour , October 11, 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia (ESET 2022) - Learning by bootstrapping (keynote) - Runtime Verification, September 28-30, 2022, Tbilisi, Georgia (RV 2022)
- Model-free learning for two-player zero-sum partially observable Markov games with perfect recall - ELLIS unit Milan workshop, September 8-9th, 2022, Milan, Italy (Milan 2022)
- Best of both worlds for best-arm identification - Simons program on Data-driven decision processes, September 12-16, 2022, Berkeley, California, USA (Berkeley 2022)
- Reinforcement learning (lecture) and BYOL-Explore (talk) - Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School, July, 6-14 2022, Vilnius Lithuania ( EEML 2022)
- Bootstrap your own latent, Presented on Sep 11th, 2021 at DataFest Yerevan (DataFest 2021)
- Bootstrapped representation learning on graphs, Presented on June, 23 2021 at Science Academy of Turkey Machine Learning Summer School (BAYÖYO 2021) talk
- Graphs in Machine Learning, Invited guest lecture at Medical University Graz, Austria, June 2021 (HCAI 2021)
- Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A new approach to self-supervised learning, Presented on January, 2021 at MIST conference in Rajecká Lesná (MIST 2021)
- Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A new approach to self-supervised learning - Google - December 10, 2020 - (Google 2020)
- Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A new approach to self-supervised learning - Reinforcement Learning seminar at Polish Academy of Sciences, November 30, 2020 - Warsaw, Poland (PAS 2020)
- BYOL works even without batch statistics - Deep learning seminar at UPJS, November 27, 2020 - Kosice, Slovakia (UPJS 2020)
- Reinforcement learning (minicourse) - Math of Machine Learning 2020 Winter School, February 19-22th, 2020 - Sochi, Russia (MML 2020)
- Graphs are the new gold: The power of graphs in speeding up online learning and decision making - October 16-18, 2019 - Global Innovation Forum, Yerevan, FAST, Armenia (GIF 2019)
- Gaussian process optimization with adaptive sketching: Scalable and no regret - September 26-27, 2019 - Recent developments in kernel methods, UCL, London, UK (Gatsby 2019)
- Rotting bandits are not harder than stochastic ones - September 25-26, 2019 - Lancaster and Deepmind Bandit Workshop, London, UK (LanDeep 2019) talk
- Graphs are the new gold: The power of graphs in speeding up online learning and decision making, July 23th, 2019, Cisco in Kraków, Poland, (Cisco 2019)
- How the negative dependence broke the squadratic barrier for learning with graphs and kernels - July 5th, 2019, Yandex HQ, Moscow, Russia (Yandex 2019) talk
- Active multiple matrix completion with adaptive confidence sets - July 3-8, 2019 - RAAI Summer School 2019, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (RAAI 2019) talk
- How the negative dependence broke quadratic barrier for learning with graphs and kernels. - June 14-15th, 2019, ICML workshop on negative dependence, Long Beach, USA (ICML 2019) talk video
- Active block-matrix completion with adaptive confidence sets- May 28th, 2019 - Theoretical Computer Science seminar, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (CU 2019) talk
- 10 year road to breaking the quadratic barrier for graphs and matrices - February 22, 2019 - Theoretical Computer Science seminar Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (CU 2019) talk
- Graphs are the new gold - February 20, 2019 - Data Analytics Meetings, P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia (UPJS 2019)
- The power of graphs in speeding up online learning and decision making - January 25rd, 2019 - Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge, UK (Cambridge 2019)
- A simple parameter-free and adaptive approach to optimization under a minimal local smoothness assumption - January 7th, 2019 - Verimag, CNRS Grenoble, France (CNRS 2019) talk
- The power of graphs in speeding up online learning and decision making - January 8th, 2019 - Verimag, CNRS Grenoble, France (CNRS 2019) talk
- The power of graphs in speeding up online learning and decision making - October 23rd, 2018 - DeepMind, London, UK (DeepMind 2018) talk
- Active block-matrix completion with adaptive confidence sets - Presented on September 10-13th, 2018, International Workshop Optimization and Machine Learning, CIMI, Toulouse (CIMI 2018) talk
- Online influence maximization - Presented on May 14th, 2018, Workshop on Graph Learning, LINCS, Paris (LINCS 2018)
- Recommender systems - Presented on March 22nd, 2018, Journée Big data, Polytech'Lille (Polytech'Lille 2018)
- Pliable rejection sampling - Presented on February 8th, 2018 at GDR Isis, Télécom ParisTech in Paris (ISIS 2018) talk
- Graph Bandits - Presented on January 7th, 2018 at MIST conference in Rajecká Lesná (MIST 2018)
- SequeL, graphs in ML, and online recommender systems - November 9th, 2017 at R&DV du Plateau Inria 2017 in Lille, France (Euratechnologies 2017) talk
- Sequential sampling for kernel matrix approximation and online learning - September 19th, 2017 - DeepMind, London, UK (DeepMind 2017)
- Active learning on networks and online influence maximization - September 18th, 2017 - Decision Theory and Network Science: Methods and Applications, Lancaster, UK (STOR-i 2017) talk
- Side observation in graph bandits - August 11th, 2017 - ICML 2017 workshop on Picky Learners , Sydney, Australia (ICML 2017)
- (Impromptu talk) Efficient second-order online kernel learning with adaptive embedding - July 9th, 2017 - Conference on Learning Theory, Amsterdam, Netherlands (COLT 2017) talk
- Distributed sequential sampling for kernel matrix approximation - Presented on June 29nd, 2017 at L’Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France (IMT 2017) talk
- Online sequential solutions for recommender systems Invited talk on June 14th, 2017 at Journées Scientifiques Inria 2017 in Nice, France (JS 2017)
- Mais où se cache Justin Bieber ? Ou comment maximiser la détection des influenceurs sur les réseaux sociaux ? Popularization invited talk on May 30th, 2017 at Inria Lille, France (13:45 2017)
- Invited talk on March 30th, 2017 at Dating day 2017 in Lille, France (Dating 2017)
- Distributed sequential sampling for kernel matrix approximation - Presented on March 22nd, 2017 at Joint seminar of MuSyAD group of Universität Potsdam and Amazon at Amazon Berlin, Germany (Berlin 2017) talk
- Graphs in online machine learning - Presented on December 21nd, 2016 at Textkernel talks in Amsterdam, Netherlands (TK 2016)
- Where is Justin Bieber? - Presented on September 22nd, 2016 at Seminar of Theoretical Computer Science Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (CU 2016) talk
- Bandit learning - Presented on September 15-19th, 2016 at Information technologies - Applications and Theory 2016 in Tatranské Matliare, High Tatras, Slovakia (ITAT 2016)
- Decision-making on graphs without graphs - Presented on June 16, 2016 at Graph-based Learning and Graph Mining 2016 in Lille (GBLGM 2016)
Sequential learning on graphs with limited feedback -
Presented on May 11-13th, 2016 at Data Driven Approach to Networks and Language 2016 at ENS Lyon, France
(NETSpringLyon 2016)
talk - Benefits of Graphs in Bandit Settings - Presented on January 11-12th, 2016 at Multi-armed Bandit Workshop 2016 at STOR-i, Lancaster University, UK (STOR-i 2016) talk
2015 and before
- Online decision-making on graphs - Presented on April 14th, 2015 at DaSciM, LIX, École Polytechnique, France (X 2015)
- Bandits on Graphs: Exploiting Smoothness and Side Observations, Presented on December 16th, 2014 at CMLA at ENS Cachan, France (ENS 2014) talk
- Optimistic Optimization - Presented on January 7th, 2014 at MIST conference in Fačkovské sedlo (MIST 2014)
- Sequential Face Recognition with Minimal Feedback - Presented on May 2nd, 2013 at 30 minutes of Science, Lille (30MIN 2013)
- One Class Learning From Streams of Unlabeled Data - Presented on September 17th, 2012 at Large-scale Online Learning and Decision Making (LSOLDM 2012)
- Scaling Graph-Based Algorithms - Presented on July 20th, 2012 at LAMPADA workshop (LAMPADA 2012)
- Large Scale Sequential Learning - Presented on April 8th, 2012 at Slovak Oxford Science (Oxford UK 2012)
- Adaptive Graph-Based Algorithms - Presented on July 6th, 2011 at Microsoft Research Redmond (MSR 2011) video video archive
- Online Semi-Supervised Learning- Presented in July 2011, at MPI Tuebingen, Germany (MPI 2011)
- Semi-supervised Learning with Random Walks on Graphs - Presented at 6th Comenius University Alumni conference (TAM 2009) talk