Interesections: Talkshow on AI - moderated by Ivan Jezik (2025) - Forbes Cover: Slovak AInstein Valko: I want to use AI to alleviate the suffering around us (March 2025) podcast teaser x li
- He worked for Zuckerberg, now he’s launching his own startup: Slovak Michal is a top expert in the field of AI StartItUp (February 2025)
- Ringier - The AI Book (February 2025)
- DeepSeek, what's going on? Forbes (February 2025)
- Tronche de Tech podcast (January 2025)
- Farewell, Mark Zuckerberg. Slovak Michal Valko has left Meta, starting his own business Forbes (January 2025)
- Famous Slovaks Abroad (December 2024)
- What is AI brining for Christmas 2025 and for NYE 2025 Slovak Radio (December 2024)
- Slovak Scientist Valko: AI won't replace us, but people who use will SME Closer, Slovakia (November 2024)
- Michal Valko reveals machine-learning endgame Slovak Spectator (October 2024)
- Science podcast Vedátor with Michal Valko Samuel Kováčik, Slovakia (October 2024)
- I wanted to learn in detail how large language models work, says Michal Valko Journal N, Slovakia (September 2024)
Starting at Meta, GenAI on Llama team
- The Information: Meta Pursues AI Talent With Quick Offers, Emails From Zuckerberg
- NY Post: Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg have personally recruited AI staffers as talent war heats up
- Business Insider: Mark Zuckerberg is writing personal emails to AI researchers at Google's DeepMind to recruit them: report
- conTXTo: Zuckerberg Targets Google’s DeepMind Talent for Meta’s AI Ambitions
- AOL: Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg have personally recruited AI staffers as talent war heats up
- Les Echos: IA : la guerre des talents fait rage dans la Silicon Valley
- 微信公众平台: 疯抢AI人才!Meta免面试,CEO狂砸近2000000美金年薪!
- Michal Valko: Guest of Radio Slovakia Interview with Nora Gubková - Radio Slovakia (November 2023)
Tom Cruise’s mother had no children. Wait, what? Interview with Matúš Beňo - Sme/Slovak Spectator
(November 2023)
- AI expert Michal Valko: Current AI systems do not have a grain of consciousness Interview with Milan Čupka - Forbes (September 2023)
- Slovak scientist develops AI in the Google laboratory. Is the panicked fear of AI misplaced? Interview with Maroš Žofčin - ŽIVÉ.SK (September 2023)
- EEML press
(July 2023)
- VIDEO: The summer school brought world experts in AI to Košice
- RTVS: Slovak National Public TV news on EEML
- Polish coverage: Instead of holidays, they chose science. In Košice they learn about learning
- SME: Artisans of artificial intelligence in a steel city
- StartItUp: Recognized world experts for artificial intelligence came to Košice
- Rádio Košice: Košice gets European gets leaders in artificial intelligence to lecture
- NexTech: The summer school brought to Košice the world leaders in the field of artificial intelligence
- DennikN: How to apply in IT when artificial intelligence is already programming? Cultivate logical thinking, advises the head of DeepMind research
- PC Revue: Video: Summer school of machine learning
- TA3: In Košice, they are tackling artificial intelligence. They cooperate with the world's leading experts
- HN Online: We have already seen the future today
- We have a chance to improve humanity's access to energy and medicine, says an artificial intelligence expert - Interview with Zuzana Vitková, Journal "Dennik N", Slovakia (October 2022)
- Scientist Valko on AI and curiosity - Interview with Braňo Dobšinský - Journal "", Slovakia (October 2022)
- Science in the world Interview with Dáša Omastová - Radio Slovakia (October 2022)
- How AI helps the world - TV show "Science and technology", Interview with Gregor Mareš (October 2022)
Interview - Morning TV News, Slovakia (October 2022) - Vedec Valko: Empatická umelá inteligencia je sci-fi - Journal Sme, Slovakia (December 2021)
- O umelej inteligencii a strojovom učení s Michalom Valkom .týždeň - .jednoducho veda (October 2021)
- Slovenský vedec Michal Valko žije vo Francúzsku, kde sa špecializuje na výskum umelej inteligencie - Rádio Expres (October 2021)
- Veda podľa Valka najviac prosperuje, keď si vedci majú čas klásť otázky - Rozhovory ZKH (October 2021)
- L’apprentissage automatique apprivoise les graphes - Data Analytics Post (July 2021)
- BYOL and self-supervised learning - Data Analytics Post (April 2021)
- Discussion science helps - Covid-19 (December 2020)
Slovak national TV: Zaostrené - Správy RTVS - profil
(November 2020) -
full video -
youtube -
- Radio Slovakia International - How AI scientists are dealing with the ethical concerns (November 2020)
- Slovak journal: Pravda (November 2020)
Slovak journal: Hospodárske noviny -
AI (October 2020) - Slovak national radio: RTVS Rádio DEVÍN - Akadémia (October 2020)
- Radio Slovakia International - Slovakia Today with Jonathan McCormick (October 2020)
- ESET Science Awards - Ceremony (October 2020)
- Forbes - Nahradia roboti lekárov a budú obchody bez pokladní? (October 2020)
- Slovak national radio: Rádio FM - Hľadáme algoritmy na pomoc klíme či opravu tkaniva, zaujímajú nás veľké problémy - video (October 2020)
- SME podcast Klik - Klik špeciál: Aj umelá inteligencia zvykne katastroficky zabúdať (October 2020)
- Forbes Technologies - Ako algoritmy a AI menia náš každodenný život (October 2020)
- Wall Street Journal - Self-supervised learning with Le Cun (FAIR), Valko (DeepMind), Gil (IBM), and Cho (NYU) (August 2020)
- Denník N - Slovak national newspaper (July 2020) We want to solve problems that would deserve a Nobel Prize
#NEWSam - Armenian national TV
(November 2019)
AI will be much more communicative in next 5-10 years - Invited to speak at ARTE on AI (October 2019)
- Invited to speak at France Culture - La Méthode scientifique (April 2019)
- Daniele Calandriello wins the prize for the Best AI Thesis in France in 2018. (April 2018) inriaCP inriaCP cnrs lille1 actu lavoixdunord newstank
- Adobe research highlights our work on online influence maximization presented at NIPS 2017 (January 2018) archive
- CNRS publishes a French article about zonotope sampling presented at ICML (2017) archive
- Julien Seznec, our PhD student publishes an article in Les Echos that discusses ML for education (November 2017) archive
- A. Lazaric about our work on ML for education (December 2016) archive and french
- Interview with N. Vayatis and M. Valko Graphs in ML course at ENS/MVA (July 2015) archive and french
- Interview Rue89 about machine learning at Inria (June 2015)
advertising face recognition (February 2015) archive - Interview on "Biometric applications will soon be part of our daily life" at ARTE Future (November 2014)
- Interview on "Face Recognition" at Sciences et Avenir (July 2014)
- Ford and Intel Mobii project using Face Recognition, at (June 2014) archive
- Ford prototype using Face Recognition at (June 2014) archive
- Intel collaborates with Inria on Face Recognition, at (March 2013 ) archive
- Business Magazine Profit/Trend on studying abroad, (2010) archive
